A. If you have ordered seats with armrests, be aware that it is VERY difficult to push these into the mounting hardware within the seats. I recommend that BEFORE you mount the seats you install the armrests because it is much easier to turn the seat on its side and push down the attachment pegs into the receptor brackets within the seat. (My armrest rachet mechanisms have never worked and I abandoned putting them on the driver seat because I would not be able to pass between the seats )
B. The manufacturer says the side controls should go on the INSIDE of the seats. ( The seats are NOT marked driver or passenger). I said no to this as every vehicle I have ever seen had the controls mounted on the outside of the seats. My seats are otherwise identical.
Take the “H” bracket and bolt it to the pedestal with the new bolts to make sure it fits. You will bolt the “H” bracket to the seat first and then the seat will be bolts to the pedestal. Now remove this as it will be bolted to the seat.
Make sure the red and white wires are hanging out of the seat so that the wires are accessible. You should crimp male spade connectors to the wire leads.
Lift the seat with the slides finally bolted into place and slide the posts into the holes in the “H” bracket -(this may require someone to help mange the seat while you mange the rear so that you can evenly lower the posts into place-otherwise it may hang up at an angle).
Use stop nuts of proper size-mine were 5/16 -and washers to tighten down the posts from the slides into the “H” bracket. Final tighten.
Now bolt the seats to the pedestals with the new hex bolts and test with the lever operating the slide mechanism to check for proper function.
If it all works-great! If not take the seat off and adjust the mechanism as necessary before reinstalling. The turnbuckle-if properly installed-makes this easy.